Saturday, April 7, 2012


Last weekend Bentley had his annual check up on Saturday morning.  Well Bryce had to work so I got up and took him. As many of you know Saturday morning are sacred for me... I sleep in...LATE!  So, this was a little interesting but it turned out great :)  This is also pretty abnormal because I have only taken him to the vet once and it was right after we got him when he was having all of his stomach issues.  I have been avoiding it because I know it probably wouldn't be fun for him especially since he has to get shots at his check ups!  So I always make Bryce be the bad guy :) hehe Anyway, Bentley did great and was given a complete clean bill of health!

One of the things I specifically asked the vet was to try and nail down how old he was.  Since he is a rescue the organization we got him from wasn't sure how old he was.  Well, the vet couldn't really tell us either! HA oh well we are going to stick with our estimate of 4 and we have decided to give him the birthday of when we got him so his birthday is now August 6th :)

Another reason I have always avoided taking him is because I am the type person that when I go to the doctor or someone I love goes to the doctor, I always picture the worst situations and work myself into a tizzy worrying about it! So of course with Bentley having had heartworms before, I always worry a little more when it is time for this test. However, all of my worries were for nothing!  He is a healthy 72lb lab and was such a good boy at the vet he even got a treat from her! :) Im sure she gives it to all of the dogs she sees but Im going to pretend it is because he was so well behaved! HAHA :)  Below are some recent pics I have taken of him.


  1. Hey BIG, I just saw a familar looking rabbit.... Good job son! Sarah, I love your blog and thanks for the updates. Bentley, you look good! It has been great following some of the other blogs of your friends that we know. Happy Easter and much love to you both!

  2. How sweet! You're making me want another dog. :-)
